
कीमोथेरेपी का मतलब हिंदी में (Chemotherapy Meaning In Hindi)

Introduction  कैंसर बीमारी का नाम आज दुनिया में हर कोई जनता है, और जब भी कभी कैंसर के इलाज की बात होती है तो कीमोथेरेपी…

Fever After Chemotherapy: Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment

Overview: Chemotherapy is a treatment for cancer that can damage healthy white blood cells. This weakens the immune system, which in turn increases susceptibility to…

Breast Cancer Symptoms | ब्रेस्ट कैंसर क्या है? कारण, लक्षण और उपचार

 स्‍तन/ब्रेस्‍ट कैंसर क्‍या है? (What is Breast Cancer?) ब्रेस्ट कैंसर एक प्रकार का कैंसर है, जो महिलाओ के लिए एक बहुत बड़ी समस्या बन चूका…

Brain Tumors Signs, Types & Treatments In Hindi ( ब्रेन ट्यूमर: लक्षण, प्रकार और उपचार )

ब्रेन ट्यूमर क्या है? ब्रेन ट्यूमर दिमाग में असामान्य सेल्स के बढ़ने से होता है। दिमाग की शारीरिक रचना बहुत अलग है, जिसमें अलग- अलग…

Breast Cancer During Pregnancy: Find Out How It Is Treated

Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in women, affecting over 2.1 million women and killing over 500,000 people each year. Breast cancer…

Top 4 Ways To Prevent Lymphedema : Diagnosis and treatment

Introduction of Lymphedema An abnormal fluid accumulation characterizes a medical condition known as Lymphedema. This condition arises when excess fluid accumulates in the soft tissue.…

6 Daily Habits That Increase Your Risk Of Cancer

Lifestyle Habits That Increase Your Risk Of Cancer If a person in your family or friend’s circle has been diagnosed with cancer, you may wonder…

How to be a Long-Distance Cancer Caregiver

Long-distance caregivers are invaluable. They are relatives and friends who travel a significant distance to take care of  loved ones. They ensure they get what…

What You Need To Know About Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy has completely restructured the treatment of various types of cancers. Tasuki Honjo and James P Allison did pioneering work of research in the 1990s.…

Cost For Chemotherapy and Cancer treatment In India?

Cancer when diagnosed causes a big jolt not just to  the person concerned but to the entire family. The problems get further compounded if a…

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